A big hello, and a hearty
to The Mad Hatter's Library.
Thanks for stopping by.
The good news is that just by coming this far you’ve earned your free library card, which entitles you to access all areas of the Library as often as you like, and for as long as you like. Congratulations!
Before you get started though, we thought it might be a good idea to give you a bit of an explanation about how best to navigate your way around the place, and what you’re likely to find when you do.
As you'll see at the top of this page, there are 4 Menus to be utilised in The Mad Hatter’s Library.
The Foreword Menu has three tabs, and is intended to provide some useful background information about the site.
The Index Menu has six tabs – Short Stories, Poetry, Reviews, Speeches, Thoughts, and Puzzles - each of which represents a different genre of the material we have been putting together over the past few months for your consumption and enjoyment.
If you're a new visitor to The Mad Hatter’s Library we urge you to click on and consider each of the separate Index tabs before you launch into the substantive content of the site. They should give you some perspective on the style and tone of the Library's catalogue.
At the bottom of each of the six Index tabs you'll find links to the articles that have been published to date under that particular heading, with the most recent appearing first.
​The Contents Menu allows you to access the published items directly, without going through the Index. Accordingly this menu is recommended for visitors returning to the Library, rather than first-timers.
Please note that we will be adding to the Contents of the site every week or two, although there may not necessarily be new contributions to all of the Index categories published on each occasion.
The Returns Menu represents the interactive element of The Mad Hatter’s Library. It is intended to allow readers to:
Subscribe to the site (so you can receive direct communications from your site host, and immediate notifications when the Library has been added to);
Submit Feedback concerning what you have or haven’t liked about the site, or its contents; and
Make a voluntary donation, entirely at your discretion, as a token of your appreciation if and when you feel it is warranted.